Monday, December 30, 2019

Analysis Of `` Savage Inequalities `` By Jonathan Kozol Essay

Martin Luther once said, â€Å"When schools flourish, all flourishes.† Schools are the institutions where students’ foundations for lifelong success are built. One would think, or at least hope, that sixty years after the Brown v. Board of Education decision, all schools in America would be flourishing or near flourishing. How wonderful would it be, if politicians and other people in power realized how true Martin Luther’s words were. Unfortunately, this is not the case. As Jonathan Kozol explicitly depicts in his 1991 novel, Savage Inequalities, inequality in American public schools still exists despite segregation being outlawed. Even though this book was written twenty-five years ago, it still applies to this day. There are many schools in America that are still segregated, and the complete opposite of flourishing. This is due to one main reason: inadequate funding. There is a tremendous amount of inequality in funding between the poor, city schools, and the a ffluent, suburban schools. Kozol explores these various schools in his novel, and demonstrates how by underfunding schools that are in dire need of funds, we are essentially setting up our future generations for failure. We are inhibiting them from reaching their potentials and showcasing their talents. We ourselves are ripping their chances of a bright future out of their hands. We are allowing our society to believe segregation in schools is ok. Savage Inequalities explores three mainShow MoreRelatedSavage Inequalities By Jonathan Kozol986 Words   |  4 PagesIn Savage Inequalities, Jonathan Kozol documents the troubling inequalities within American public school systems and their various districts. Thus focusing on the â€Å"savage inequalities† between highly privileged districts and poor districts within these public school systems. From the time period of 1988 to 1990, Jonathan Kozol visited various public schools in multiple neighborhoods, including East St. Louis, the Bronx, Chicago, Harlem, Jersey City, and San Antonio. Throughout the chapters, KozolRead MoreThematic Purpose Of The Reading1174 Words   |  5 PagesPhilip Antohi Savage Inequalities Journal Thematic Purpose of the Reading Kozol notes discrepancies in the education system, especially while focusing on schools with student bodies of different races and economic backgrounds. In fact, he conducts numerous studies with regard to disparities in schooling, which can be seen across regions that differ in their racial composition and wealth. For instance, he makes various observations in Washington D.C., Chicago, New York, and Cincinnati, which revealRead More Productivity Amidst Chaos? Essay2050 Words   |  9 PagesUrban schools have become institutions well skilled in the desensitizing of its students to the importance of the qualities that an education should embody: idealism, imagination and creativity. Author Jonathan Kozol suggests in Savage Inequalities that public schools promote nothing but inequalities among students. In actuality, finding the root of this problem is much more involved. The problems in urban public schools are as interconnected as a spiders intricate web. Every strand connects to a notherRead MoreEducation Is a Necessity: Poor Students Deserve Equal Opportunity for Higher Education970 Words   |  4 Pagesmeans of providing education...and gives incentives to both residents and school staff (2). However, in Savage Inequalities, Jonathan Kozol argues that funding schools solely with property tax is not effective because the property revenues of poor families do not compare to those of the richer families; thus less money goes toward the poor childrens education. 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The perpetuation of inequality creates social conflict and hinders the ability of individuals and communities from achieving their full potential (Blau, 2010). There are several causes for the rise of inequality in the United States, such as our public education system, the philosophy of the underservingRead MoreProblems in America Education3409 Words   |  14 Pagesprovided 47.1 percent and 43.9 percent, respectively, of total revenues. The federal government’s contribution was 9.1 percent of all revenues.† (Hill, Sable) Cons idering that almost half of money for education comes from local sources, this creates inequality of funding per student in each school district. Schools of wealthier school districts receive much more funding opportunities than those of lower income school districts. This gives these lower level governments and school boards great power over

Sunday, December 22, 2019

Sport And Peace Development Goals - 1515 Words

Introduction Sport, over the years, has been used as a gateway for peace during troubling times. It’s important to note many of the core values in sport, such as fairness, discipline, and respect for the rules and others participating, are key players in the overall goal to attaining peace. According to the United Nations, those intrinsic values can help promote both the social cohesion of multiple organizations and the idea of a peaceful coexistence. The group also mentions that sport cannot be the sole contributor of change; however, it serves as a good stepping stone for conflict resolution (, 2015). The United Nations has created a set of goals, millennium development goals, which list their plans to use sport as a way to build peace (Beutler, 2008). An interesting view on sport and peace development is looking at the Cross Cultures Project Association. The CCPA is a humanitarian organization with headquarters in Bosnia-Herzegovina. The CCPA has three major sport programs for various people in countries where a conflict has just ended. Their main focus is to develop and organize programs that promote social integration between various cultures. The programs are designed to provide the community with peaceful alternatives to their country s violent issues (Cross Cultures Project Association | CCPA, 2015). One program is entitled â€Å"Open Fun Football Schools†, or OFFS for short. This program uses the idea of football (soccer) as a way to encourage fellowship andShow MoreRelatedSports For Development Programs Make A Difference1455 Words   |  6 PagesGaye Ãâ€"zarslan Sport for Development 15/10/2015 Essay 1: Final Draft Can Sport for Development Programs make a difference in overcoming problems of the developing world? The question that whether sport can help development efforts or not is a highly debated topic. Sport for Development Programs are the organizations that use sport to accomplish specific goals regarding peace and development (Right to Play, n.d.). Some argue that Sport for DevelopmentRead MoreHow Can Sport Bring Peace in Troubled Communities?831 Words   |  3 Pages Sport is a global language. It is often only regarded as a medium of entertainment and professionalism, but the fact is that sport, although indirectly, aims and works towards certain other factors, one among which is peace-building. The latter being of a major importance in troubled communities, sport can thus be brought into play. At its best, sport can unite people, no matter what their origin, background, religious belief or economic status. This global language also has the abilityRead MoreThe Puma Groups Marketing Strategy925 Words   |  4 PagesSTRATEGY PUMA Marketing Strategy PUMA Group PUMA is counted in the leading sports lifestyle companies of the world and is famous for designing and developing footwear, accessories and apparel. PUMA commits to serve its customers by supporting creativity, sustainability and peace. It promises to be fair, loyal, honest and creative in its decisions and actions. The unique feature of PUMA is that it manufactures sports stuff keeping in mind the fashion and style (Parasuraman, Grewal and KrishnanRead MoreThe Wrestler s Body : Identity And Ideology1365 Words   |  6 PagesCalifornia Press. Anthony, Susan B. 1896 [suffragist], History of Women in Sports Timeline. Bale J. 1991. The Brawn Drain: Foreign Student-Athletes in American Universities. Urbana, IL: Univ. Ill. Press Bale, John, and Joseph Maguire, eds.1994 The Global Sports Arena: Athletic Talent Migration in an Interdependent World. London: Frank Cass Bailey, R., Wellard I., and Dismore, H., 2005 Participation in Physical Activities and Sports: Benefits, Patterns, Influences and Ways Forward. Canterbury Christ ChurchRead MoreRole Of Sports In Society1130 Words   |  5 PagesRole of Sport in Society For many years, sports have played a huge role in many of our lives. They have been used for entertainment and many others would love to argue that fact and say that is their only use and have no other valuable lessons. Sports provide many things to us like Competition that sports like football, baseball, basketball, etc. require. They also teach many life lessons and values to younger generations who play sports. Participating in sports can teach kids Leadership, Goal settingRead MoreSports as a Tool of Integration1725 Words   |  7 PagesINTRODUCTION What is sport? According to the Oxford Advanced Learner’s Dictionary. The meaning of â€Å"sport† is , activity that you do for pleasure and that needs physical effort or skill, usually done in a special area and according to fixed rules. Through Wikipedia, sport is all forms of physical activity which, through casual or organised participation, aim to use, maintain or improve physical fitness and provide entertainment to participants. Sport may be competitive, where a winner or winnersRead MoreMy Experience With My Life1356 Words   |  6 Pagesnumber of passions myself. In fact, as I think about it there are really only two subjects of interest that I feel rise to the level of passion for me; my God and sports. These two areas have been integral parts of my life for as long as I can remember. I grew up in the church and much of my young life was spent either there or on a sports field of some sort. These two institutions, I feel have shaped me into the adult that I have become an d the career I feel myself called to enter. I graduated fromRead MoreThe Safety And Peace Promotion Research1293 Words   |  6 PagesSandy Lazarus, who is a part of the Safety and Peace Promotion Research Unit, Institution of social and health science for the University of South Africa and a faculty of education for the University of the Western Cape of South Africa, Larenza Williams, Grant Demas and Anthony V Naidoo are apart of the department of Psychology for Stellenbosch University in South Africa. Fiona J Filander and Basil May, who are apart of the Railton Foundation of South Africa, All came together to collaborate in community-basedRead MoreImportance Of Ethics In Sports1693 Words   |  7 PagesEthics in sport requires four essential virtues which are fairness, integrity, responsibility, and respect. Also, to understand the role of ethics while playing a sport and competition, it is important to make a distinction between gamesmanship and sportsmanship. Its some coaches that operate with the mindset of having a à ¢â‚¬Å"gamesmanship† mind which means that theyre built on the principle that winning is everything. Coaches and athletes are encouraged to bend the rules wherever possible to gainRead MoreThe Expansion Of Sport For Development1525 Words   |  7 PagesIntroduction: Sport has often been viewed as an agent linked to the constructive development of individuals and as a mechanism that can foster positive social change within communities. As such, this paper intends to examine the recent expansion of sport for development (SFD) programs within Canadian Aboriginal communities by exploring the historical and concurrent structure of Aboriginal sport initiatives within Canada. Given this, the most pervasively used definition of SFD came in 2003, from the

Saturday, December 14, 2019

Junior College Baseball Free Essays

Growing up as a kid it is easy to say that it is almost every little boys dream to one day become a professional baseball player. They wake up and go out to play in there practices and games trying to be like one of the greats. Ad kids get older there are some that fade away from the dream and some that still live by the dream and try there hardest to get to that ultimate goal. We will write a custom essay sample on Junior College Baseball or any similar topic only for you Order Now When you get to high school there will not be that many kids playing baseball and school is very tough. there are athletes that are also very smart and do well in class and others that just aren’t as good in the classroom. he ones that do good in the classroom even though they may not be better at a sport get to play anywhere they want in a nation and there are many good players that are left to play junior college baseball. junior college has always been a stepping stone to get to a big university and if you are an athlete one step closer to the ultimate goal. If the state of California takes away sports and privileges it will make less students want to go there, more kids with crushed dreams and could lead to more kids on the street and more poverty even. Junior college sports can be a lead or a big leap in a student athletes life to becoming a professional at there sport. Moorpark college has gone upon themselves to take away the fall league for baseball. being that the fall league takes it to the first issue in which kids dreams will be crushed and opportunities will be lost. In her March 12, 2010 blog,Erica Perez stated. â€Å"†We tried to build a program that was providing lots of opportunities for students to compete at the Division I level. Unfortunately, there will be fewer opportunities in the future. There is a good chance that there will be ball players thats dreams get crushed just because of this slight change in the program. If a player can not play in the fall it is merely impossible for them to get seen by college coaches mostly but also professional scouts. During the season all of the college coaches have their own season to focus on therefore they use the fall as a time to go out and watch the prospects compet e. The reason behind the problem is that there was a lawsuit against Moorpark College for a head injury that occurred during a baseball game. Although it is very upsetting that a player was injured I do not believe that is is right to take away all of those privileges simply because someone got hurt. It may sound selfish, however, the reality is that they player and the family know that there is a chance of injury and put themselves out there and risk it just as all other players do. In an interview with coach Terry Mcmaster he said † When there is no baseball in the fall it takes away great opportunities for guys to get scholarships and drafted to play pro ball. In the whole situation it makes no sense that they cut all the games because it is doing nothing but hurting the school. Most athletes that are at junior college are there because they didn’t get high enough grades out of high school to compete in sports or just get into the school. If the fall program is gone and kids can not get to the next level it will just increase the amount of kids that do not graduate with a degree and thus are more likely to end up in poverty searching for a job â€Å"Budget Cuts May Cost UC Davis up to Nine Sports Teams | California Watch. † California Watch | Bold New Journalism. 2010. Web. 26 Oct. 2010. . How to cite Junior College Baseball, Papers

Thursday, December 5, 2019

Financial Reporting and Its Analysis

Question: Discuss about the Financial Reporting and Its Analysis. Answer: Introduction To begin the study, two companies have been selected for the purpose of comparison from the industry of supermarket namely Wesfarmers Limited and Woolworths Limited. Wesfarmers Limited - Company Wesfarmers was established in January 1914 as one of the leading cooperatives for farmers in Australia under the chairman ship of Deanne Hammond. The company has diversified lines of business ranging from liquor to chemicals, fertilizers, coal, safety products for the industry, home and office related supplies and thus supermarkets. The company operates its business through the major five major divisions namely Coles, Home betterment and improvement, Stores, supplies for office, industrial products and other related businesses. The first division was formed in the year 2007 on the Coles group acquisition. Cole group has been itself a bunch of divisions which provides different goods or products to the different customers including food, groceries, liquor products and financial services. Second division is home improvement which contains Bunning, as a leading and required retailer in the field of home betterment and other living products and Home base, as second number retailer for home products and garden services in United Kingdom. Third division is department stores containing two major segments Knart and Target and has been formed in the month of February for the year 2016. Fourth division is office works and for which the company has been regarded as leading supplier of office products and services. Fifth division is Industrial which includes chemicals and fertilizers and safety products for industry. The organizational structure of the companies works from Managing Director, Chief executive and finance officer, Director of respective functions like finance, purchase, logistics and sales, etc, company secretary, managers and lower level employees. Woolworths Limited - Another company is Woolworths Limited that has been formed on fifth of December, 1924 in Sydney. On that day the then CEO of company has mentioned that every part of the world shall be Sydney where all the things and products are available to anyone at cheaper price with good quality and since then the company is striving to achieve the same. The main activity of the company is to have supermarket only where all the products are made available for the customers. The company operates the main activities through its three major divisions Food Group, Endeavour Drinks and Portfolio business. Food group again contains six branches Rewards, supermarkets, countdowns, Thomas dux, petrol and financial services. Second group contains four branches Dan Murphys, BWS, Cellarmasters and Langtons and last group contains three branches Big W, Ezi buy and hotels. The organizational structure of the team is vertical form of structure ranges from top level management including Board of Directors and Executive Committees, middle level management including managers and executives and lower level management including supervisor and their subordinates. The company has been achieving growth since the year of its establishment and has become one of the leading companies in supermarket industry in Australia and New Zealand. Both the companies are at equal pace and thus have been selected for comparison. In the forthcoming headings and subheadings, the comparison has been made with regard to their financial statements and the framework within which the financial report has been framed. Identification and Evalution of the Company Financing Sources The financing resources of each of the company will be identified through the financial statements stated in the annual report and will be evaluated through the computation of different financial ratios. First Company Wesfarmers limited Financing Sources - The Company has been financed by equity component as well as debt component. As per Note Number 12 of the Annual Report of the company: Equity - Equity component of the company includes ordinary equity shares that have been issued to the promoters and shareholders of the company and also includes the shares issued under the scheme of Employees stock option plan wherein the shares are issues to the employees of the company as reward for their performance.(Annual Report, 2016.) Debt - The companys debt component includes both the long term debt and short term debt and has been classified as Non Current liabilities and Current Liabilities respectively. Both the heads of debt have classified under the sub heading of Interest bearing loans and borrowings. As per Note number 14 of the annual report, the company has availed short term debt in the form of corporate bonds and other bank loans and has outstanding balance of $1632 million at the year ending 30th of June 2016. Similarly, the company has availed long term debt and have outstanding balance of $5631 million at the year ended on that date.(Annual Report, 2016) Both the facilities availed are unsecured and as per the reported significant items in the annual report, the company has renewed the facilities of $500 million in June 2016 and thus have intermediate debt in its financing sources. Analysis of Capital Structure and Other Ratios Debt to equity ratio has been increased from 0.63 for the year ending 30-06-2015 to 0.78 for the year ending 30-06-2016 which shows that the company has increased its reliance on the banking funds and that too which are unsecured. Simultaneously the equity ratio has been decreased from 0.61 as at 30-06-2015 to 0.56 as at 30-06-2016. As per the norms of practice, acceptable debt equity is 2:1. Therefore, the company is still within the ambit of having the going concern assumption as high debt equity ratio gives an indication that the company will soon go for liquidation. Net profit margin ratio has been gradually decreased from 6.02 to 2.04 which has alarmed the situations of the investors as to whether to invest further in the company or take back the amount invested so far. Current ratio has been intact at 0.93 times which shows that the liquidity of the company is similar to earlier year. Along with this, the net working capital of the company seems better than as generated in the earlier year. Earnings per share have been gradually decreased from 216.1o for the year ending 30th June 2015 to 36.20 for the year ending 30-06-2016. The major shift has been suffered by the investor and the company only due to low profit margins. Along with the earning per share the companys dividend per share has been decreased from 230 to 201.90. Financing Structure and Financial Reporting Framework The reporting of financing structure of the company has been made within the conceptual framework of financial reporting. All the relevant disclosure have been made and that too in accordance with the Australian Accounting standards and International Reporting Financial Standards (AASB,2015). According to the nature of its business the companys financial structure is adequate. Debt equity ratio as per the supermarket industry should be less than or equal to one. As whole business of the company is of wholesale thus the current liabilities and current assets including creditors and debtors and stock respectively comes in equal proportionate as compared to previous year. Second Company Woolworts limited : Financing Sources - The Company has been financed by equity component as well as debt component. As per Note Number 20 of the Annual Report of the company: Equity - Equity component of the company includes ordinary equity shares that have been issued to the promoters and shareholders of the company and also includes the shares issued as a result of share rights and exercised under the scheme of Employees stock option plan wherein the shares are issues to the employees of the company as reward for their performance and also includes the shares issued under the long term incentive plans for the employees.(Annual Report, 2016.) Debt - The companys debt component includes both the long term debt and short term debt and has been classified as Non Current liabilities and Current Liabilities respectively. As per Note number 23 of the annual report, the company has availed short term market loans and revolving credit facility from the bank amounting to $82 million. The short term securities also includes US senior notes and medium term notes. The long term debt includes bank loan in consortium with other banks and also the US senior notes and European Medium term notes. The company has also financed through the issue of debenture namely Woolworths Notes II. (Annual Report, 2016) . Analysis of Capital Structure and Other Ratios Debt to equity ratio has been increased from 1.28 for the year ending 30-06-2015 to 1.68 for the year ending 30-06-2016 which shows that the company has increased its reliance on the banking funds and that too which are unsecured. Simultaneously the equity ratio has been decreased from 0.44 as at 30-06-2015 to 0.37 as at 30-06-2016. Net profit margin ratio has been gradually decreased from 6.02 to 2.75 which has alarmed the situations of the investors as to whether to invest further in the company or take back the amount invested so far. Current ratio has been intact at 0.84 times which shows that the liquidity of the company is similar to earlier year. Along with this, the net working capital of the company seems better than as generated in the earlier year. Earnings per share have been gradually decreased from 170.80 for the year ending 30th June 2015 to (97.70) for the year ending 30-06-2016. The major shift has been suffered by the investor and the company only due to low profit margins. Along with the earning per share the companys dividend per share has been decreased from 122.50 to 93.80. Financing Structure and Financial Reporting Framework The reporting of financing structure of the company has been made within the conceptual framework of financial reporting. All the relevant disclosure have been made and that too in accordance with the Australian Accounting standards and International Reporting Financial Standards (AASB,2015). Analysis and Comparison of Company's Financial Sources Similarities Debt equity ratio of both the companies has been decreased from the year ending 30-06-2015 to 30-06-2016. Debt equity ratio of both the companies has been decreased from the year ending 30-06-2015 to 30-06-2016. Net profit margin has been decreased of both the companies. Both the companies have made the current ratio intact in spite of having gradual decrease in the net profit margin in the current year as compared to the earlier year. Both the companies earning per share and dividend per share has been decreased gradually and for the Woolworths it is in negative figures. Both the companies have followed same set of accounting standards and have disclosed adequately. Diffirences The pace at which the debt equity ratio has been increased in case of Woolworths Limited is higher than that of Wesfarmers Limited. The current and non - current liabilities has been given in detail by the Woolworths Limited than the Wesfarmers Limited. The equity component of the Woolworths Limited is different from Wesfarmers because of inclusion of Right shares. The debt component of the Woolworths Limited is different from Wesfarmers because of the inclusion of debentures. Reason for Similarities and Diffirences The reason for similarity in ratio is that both the company operates in the same industry and has to follow the pre defined financial ratios that is acceptable. Both the companies having similar increasing and decreasing trend in the ratios. It is so because the net profit margins of the both companies have been gradually decreased. Summary and Recommendation Significant Points First of all the main history of the both the companies have been discussed in detail along with the main activities of the companies. Also the products that is being catered to the customers along with different services has been detailed in connection with the various divisions being operated by both the companies. Secondly, financing sources have been discussed with reference to the annual report of the company. Debt and equity component reported in the financial statements have described with the help of capital structure ratios. Thirdly, financial ratios like net profit margin ratio, current ratio, EPS and DPS, etc have been calculated so as to make the comparison easier. Fourthly, the conceptual framework within which the financial statements have been reported is discussed with reference to accounting standard. From the study of this report, our recommendation for the investors is to invest in Wesfarmers Limited instead of Woolworths Limited in order to have high earning on the amount invested. References Woolworths Limited official website available on accessed on 01/02/2017. Wesfarmers Limited official website available on accessed on 01/02/2017. Brwon C, Dutton M, Rietz T, Financial Statement Analysis, available on accessed on 01/02/2017. Financial Statement Analysis available on accessed on 01/02/2017. Anastasia, (2015), Financial Statement Analysis : An Introduction available on accessed on 31/01/2017. Bajkowski, (1999), Financial Accounting Ratios: Putting the Numbers to Work, AAII Journal, August 1999 issue, Pages 1-7. Accessed on 31/01/2017 Lan J., (2012), 16 Financial Ratios for Analysing a Companys Strengths and Weaknesses, AAII Journal, September 2012 issue available on accessed on 31/01/2017. Alvarez F and Fridson M, (2005), Financial Statement Analysis A Practitioners Guide, available on,.Financial%20Statement%20Analysis%20-%20A%20Practitioner's%20Guide,%203rd%20Edition.pdf accessed on 31/01/2017. Uzochukwu N, (2012), Analysis and Interpretation of Financial Statements as a Managerial Tool for decision making, accessed on FGL,(2013),Accounting Ratios available on accessed on 31/01/2017. Zions Bank Official Website,(2005) How to Analyse your business using Financial Ratios, available on Accessed on 31/01/2017. AASB, (2015), Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting available on accessed on 01/02/2017.

Thursday, November 28, 2019

Bon Jovi free essay sample

I was one of the very lucky 750 people to see Bon Jovi live before their world tour as part of a series of club dates. When my brother and I arrived at Toads the next day at 9: 30 a.m. to buy our tickets, things looked bleak. We got in line behind 300 people. After standing in line for four hours, my brother and I bought two tickets, each for forty dollars! On October 13th, we stood in the cramped, crowded, hot club for three and a half hours before the main attraction hit the stage. All members came on: Richie Sambora (guitars), Alec John Such (bass), David Bryan (keyboards), and Tico Torres (drums) before the lead singer and famous heartthrob Jon Bon Jovi hit the stage. His new short haircut did not discourage fans who snapped pictures. The band kicked off with the Beatles classic A Little Help From My Friends. We will write a custom essay sample on Bon Jovi or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page This pumped up the crowd which was already in a frenzy. The group played many of their classics such as You Give Love a Bad Name, Wild in the Streets, and Born to Be My Baby to which the crowd powerfully sang along. Bon Jovi then played Bed of Roses, one of their new songs from the forthcoming album Keep the Faith. Jon was a comic and got the crowd excited. He whipped around the stage like a madman, shaking his whole body vigorously. The rest of the bands playing was great. The band made a melody out of the Rascals Good Lovin,' Van Morrisons Gloria, and their own Bad Medicine. The energized Shout by the Isley Brothers brought the crowd into an expulsion of power. The encores included an acoustic Living on a Prayer, Wanted Dead or Alive, and the new albums title track Keep the Faith. The solid hour and half set ended at the stroke of midnight. Many fans, including me, walked out of the club with a better understanding of the true live experience and the power of a sold-out show. Many were pleased to be one of the lucky ones of to see this great event. Note: A portion of the proceeds went to benefit Paul Newmans Hole in the Wall Gang Camp for seriously ill children. n

Monday, November 25, 2019

Ketchup and Baking Soda Volcano

Ketchup and Baking Soda Volcano The acetic acid in ketchup reacts with baking soda to produce an extra-special type of lava for a chemical volcano. This non-toxic volcano recipe is sure to please! Ketchup Baking Soda Volcano Materials small container (I used an empty travel-size bottle.)volcano (You can mold it from clay or use a cardboard form.)ketchupbaking sodaliquid dishwashing soap (optional)water (optional) Make the Volcano Erupt This is really easy! Swirl together a squirt of dishwashing detergent (if you want foamy orange lava), ketchup, and enough water to achieve the desired thickness. When you are ready to start the eruption, add baking soda. Alternatively, you could mix together the baking soda, detergent, and water. Add the ketchup when youre ready for the eruption.The lava erupts slowly and steadily, rather than forcefully, so this is a nice volcano to make if you want a longer-lasting eruption. How the Volcano Works The ketchup contains vinegar, which is dilute acetic acid. The acetic acid reacts with the baking soda to produce carbon dioxide gas. The gas bubbles expand and rise through the liquid, bubbling out the ketchup.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Article response paper to womb for rent--for a price by ellen goodman

Response paper to womb for rent--for a price by ellen goodman - Article Example The process to make the child is known is in vitro fertilization, during which the egg is fertilized with the sperm outside of the womb and then placed into the surrogate mother’s womb to complete the typical pregnancy process. There are many ethic concerns in regard to this new, high-tech method of conception and birth. The reason that I choose this article was due to the fact that it presented an interesting, unique topic pertaining to medical ethics, science, and optional forms of starting a family. While there may be many concerns in regard to the ethical issues that such a procedure can bring about, I disagree with the author’s stance that in vitro fertilization with surrogate mothers has put humans on the marketplace. There are a few methods in which a person or a couple can start a family. They can conceive the child themselves, they can adopt, they can go about doing both of the aforementioned methods, or they can become artificially inseminated, which is fairly common among single women who wish to start families. However, there are fewer options when a couple, especially the woman, is simply unable to give birth to children. In many cases of infertility in women, their uteruses are the wrong shape or width to properly house a growing fetus. Therefore, while her eggs may be fine and her husband’s sperm does what it should, her body is unable to sustain a fetus without drastic results. Most cases in which women with wrong-shaped uteruses do get pregnant usually end in miscarriage. These women are only left with the option to adopt if they want to start a family. This is something that the article fails to mention. Now, however, due to the amazing growth of science, women with good eggs b ut a bad female reproductive tract can have their eggs fertilized by their husband’s sperm and planted in a healthy uterus for growth. While being a surrogate

Wednesday, November 20, 2019

Multi-sensory Impairments Affecting Children's Development Essay

Multi-sensory Impairments Affecting Children's Development - Essay Example I felt it was crucial that I develop strategies that help them to connect with the world. My main aim was to enable them to experience the world around, and motivate them to move on. Overall, I was determined to incorporate strategies to overcome difficulties in accessing world around them. Introduction ‘A deaf-blind child is not a deaf child who cannot see or a blind child who cannot hear; the problem is not an additive one of deafness plus blindness. Nor is it solely one of communication or perception. It encompasses all these things and more. The deaf-blind are multisensory deprived; they are unable to utilize their distance senses of vision and hearing to receive non-distorted information.’ (McInnes & Treffery, 2001:2) The deafblind, like a multi-sensory impaired child, lacks the capability to use his/her senses to receive and process information. This is due to the limited access to information received through damaged senses. The deafblind children face a complexity of issues such as failure to communicate effectively in their social environment and interpreting events. This often results to restriction of the affected individuals in accessing and acquiring important information, as well as hampering their development (Chen, 1993, 1996 & 1999; Chen & Dote-Kwan, 1998; Fraiberg, 1977; McInners, 1999; McInners & Treffery, 2001; Mednick, 2004; Murdoch, 1994; Orelove et al., 2004; Wasserman et al., 1985). In this assignment, I will explain the complexity of needs that multi-sensory impaired children experience, and how this affects their development, knowledge, and understanding of the world around them. I will also seek to explore possible strategies that could be implemented to gradually extend thei r worlds, based on my observations of two particular pupils in my school. This assignment is divided into the following three sections. Firstly, I will attempt to define multi-sensory impairment and thoroughly explore its direct impact on learning on a day-to-day basis. Secondly, I will outline the abilities of two particular pupils in order to gain an insight into their learning. Finally, I will discuss various strategies, which would enable the pupils to access and improve their understanding and knowledge of the world, including a comprehensive reasoning behind the choice made and its effectiveness in practice. My role in relation to this project chiefly concerned observing and working with pupils. It was important to collaborate with teachers and support staff, as they could provide additional knowledge and experience of the children. In addition, I received a lot of support from my colleagues in this project. My objective was to find was of improving learning opportunities for pupils. Therefore, it was crucial to facilitate various strategies to increase pupils’ awareness, understanding, and knowledge of the world around them. Meaning and definition of multi-sensory impairment Children with multi–sensory impairment have historically been referred to as â€Å"deafblind†. Indeed, some people still refer to them as deafblind (Best, 1983; Brown, 1997; Brown & Bates, 2011; Collins, et al., 1991; Miles & Riggio, 2011; SENSE, 2011). In my opinion, being deafblind is different from being multi-sensory impaired. Children with multi-sensory impairment have more complex needs than deafblind. When it comes to cognition, it is even more difficult to determine their intellectual abilities and capabilities (DfE, 2011; DfH, 2011; Murdoch 1992; Pallant, 2011). According to available literature, the task of recognizing and identifying the needs of multi-sensory impaired children with regard to learning and educational needs is one of the key barriers f aced by educators

Monday, November 18, 2019

Recent changes in local laws in various countries set requirements for Essay

Recent changes in local laws in various countries set requirements for National Oil Companies (NOCs) participation in oil and ga - Essay Example Joint ventures are common among the operators within the oil and gas industry in order to tray and minimize operation risks as well as technical challenges often faced while in the normal operations in the industry. Companies involved in exploration of oil and gas, general exploitation of the same as well as appraisal and production activities are in recent times being not executed by single companies but through collaboration by many companies. These joint ventures therefore share in towards contributing for expenditures and other costs incurred and share the proceeds realized in the exploration and exploitation of the commodity according to individual company’s contributions. Joint ventures operate on the platform of sharing on capital investments as well as skills and expertise, which necessitates one company, which would lack such to benefit from the partner(s) in the venture. Joint ventures within the oil and gas industry enjoy such privileges as being unincorporated and hence they are not taxed and cannot sue or are sued for the reason of not having distinct legal personality. The terms of licensure of operations by joint ventures imposes some liabilities on them as stipulated by the governing authority, which the joint operating agreement purposely addresses. The JOA therefore have particular roles in regulating the obligations, relationships as well as the rights that govern the parties in a joint venture. Normally, the agreement is binding over lifetime or until the joint operations ceases because of completion of a task or otherwise as would be determined in termination of a contract. It stipulates the funding procedures as well as the voting procedures and has other stipulations on mechanisms to address corrective measures instituted in the event that a partner fails to act in accordance to the agreement. Therefore, the general infrastructure of the legal framework guiding the joint operating agreements is binding and well laid out. The partie s therefore undertake a critical outlook into the structure of the JOA regarding any unforeseen eventualities, which would occur in the future. However, it is worth noting that the formulation and adoption of a JOA framework must be based on an existing legal structure such as the English law, which then stipulates the institutional framework that would govern the running of the agreement between the parties engaged in the joint venture (Jensen and Failat, 2013, p. 1-13). National governments as well as foreign companies interact in the industry of oil and gas through consent through negotiated contracts. NOC (National oil companies) normally gets involved in the exploitation of and exploration for oil through signing into contracts such as concession agreements, service contracts, joint venture contracts as well as production sharing agreements, which involves collaborating with other external companies in the oil and gas deals. Nevertheless, the operations of such contracts involv ing the national oil companies as well as other external companies necessitates the operation-ization of a structure that would be instrumental in outlining the operations of the agreement and this is formalized through the JOAs. The evolution of legal structures that govern the

Friday, November 15, 2019

LG Group: Leadership and Management Development

LG Group: Leadership and Management Development There is no company which is resistant to environmental changes, especially business environment. As the year comes by, new inventions or innovation will absolutely give impact on every type of business in the world. However, the causes of the impact, in other words, the root of the changes in the environment is not merely coming from company external territory; in most cases the impacts (either negative or positive) can come from external territory and internal territory of the company. This written analysis focuses on the LG Groups Chairman Koo who once stated and defined his vision for the LG group to develop and improve significantly and to be a leading company in its local market area (Korea) and the wider market scope, international market and increase its revenue significantly within 7 years period. This is known as LEAP 2005. Even though is not an easy task to do, he is much certain that the group can do that. He considers the past performance of the group and the major internal changes within the company will enable it to achieve what its chairman wants. The main key success, as the management agrees, lies on the future leaders of the group. There are several questions that arise as the result of the discussion between the management in relation with this key point, namely where and how to find these future leaders, what capabilities of competencies these leaders should possess how to develop these key competencies and so on. ANALYSIS OF LG GROUP SITUATION Briefly speaking on LG historical background, a common first impression on the company is that it has tremendous historical records in terms of business performance and business revenue. Citing the record, LG was established for the first time in 1947 as a small chemical company. As the time went by, there are expansions that the group has done. As a result the company got bigger and bigger. The applied several strategies that really work well are the main reason why the company grew bigger within a relatively short period of time. These days, LG is one of the strongest players in Indonesia industry. As the case of LG Group already describes, what is meant by LEAP 2005 desired by Chairman Koo reflects the his dream to make LG Group as the leading company in Korea and leading company in the world as well. This leads to for sure the increasing revenue to US$380 billion. To achieve this, certain development an improvement towards the company as an organization is an urgent necessity. The significant matter or points which are at the same time can be the conclusion of this brief analysis is that the improvement on internal aspects of organizations, which at the end should result in the transformation of LEAP 2005 into reality. Further, it is agreed that the management should focus on the human organization and make the first priority above all. The analysis is written as follow. LG GROUPS DESIRED CHARACTERISTICS OF HUMAN ORGANIZATION An ideal human organization that can facilitate the achievement of Chairman Koos LEAP 2005 vision of future definitely has three most fundamental characteristics namely: 1. Strong LG company culture/values, 2. Qualified competent people as its component, 3. Good managerial strategies and operations by the management. These all explains how the company will provide itself its needed sources to meet the requirements of the company to achieve the vision. Each of this characteristic can be described as follows. Strong Company Culture A company with certain strong culture (or some term it as values) can usually stand up against all turbulence that occurs during its operations. The LG Group itself has already passed some bad period with great success and continues showing positive progress. Addition to this, there is for sure changes of transforming (STABILITY, HARMONI, RESPECT) to the cultures (CHALLENGE, SPEED, SIMPLICITY, BOUNDARYLESSNESS). These changes are in line with the demand of business environment which requires a company to quickly adapt themselves to the changes. Competent Human Resources The core component of a business organization is the humans who move it and run the companys operation. The more competent the person of the company the more prosperous the company will be. If the all person in the company are competent in their own field it will lead to best product that the company produces. Furthermore, this will end up in the achievement of customer satisfaction target (consumers demand and wishes). This all will result in better competitive advantages that the company has. Good Managerial Practices by Best Management Company management can be is the back bone of the company. They are the key person who drives the company towards certain direction. They are the decision maker of in the company. The fate of the company is in their hands. The culture that the management builds inside the company will also influence the day to day operation of the company. In terms of external relation, the management acts as the representative of the company. The can influence the business partners as well as potential consumers. Specifically speaking, in relation with human resources, the management should provide strategies that relate to human resources management such as defining organizational strategy, defining organizational structure and man power planning, defining the critical jobs, defining the job description that matches with the companys competencies, setting competency model and implementing it in form of setting HR tools and functions such for performance appraisal and reward and compensation recruitment, promotion, training and development. The human organization with the above mentioned characteristics that LG Group have and will help the company to achieve the LEAP 2005 vision will face obvious problems related to the organization and business the period of the vision achievement progress, they are for example the impact of paradigm or culture changes towards the company, process of setting up the companys core competencies, the changes on business orientation and target (e.g., business goals, from international to international (global) player, the internal (company value) and external cultural change, the demand of new employees to fulfill the need of increasing work load and competent employees, to prepare human resources management system and its tools in line with the company development. As the human resources management plays significant roles the process of translating the chairmans vision in 2005 they should be discussed further in details. The overall implementation of strategies, policies, programs, and or practices by Mr. Y. K. Kims LG Human Resource Team that can help Chairman Koo transform his LEAP 2005 vision into reality must link to how the management organizes and manages the human resources that the company has. These could be the strategies of attracting best new employee, develop the star performers (or other may call high potential) in terms of soft and hard skills or competencies, retain the best performers, manage work effectivity etc. LG GROUP STRATEGY: DESIRED CHARACTERISTICS FUTURE LEADERS As explained before, the key success of the company in transforming the vision LEAP 2005 into reality relies on how the organization prepare and develop the future leaders of the company which will determine how the company will operate and run in the future. These leaders will be having several capabilities as what Chairman Koo desired so that these competencies will enable them to perform well. First and foremost, these leaders must possess a sense of competition for global perspective. This competency strongly connects with the capability to fight and compete with the world class companies. Secondly, this has a relation with how wise and strategic a leader can create a global management system. Finally, a sharp sense of global perspective will assist a leader on how to create a world class business. The other attributes that a future leader must hold is his ability to maintain the quality of the company output. In relation to this they must have capability to create maximum value for customer. In other words, the satisfaction and loyalty of the costumer towards the company has to be the first priority and target for the future leaders that the group will need in the future. As important as the focus on outputs (products) the leader must also embrace the values that have been the LG values directly given by the Chairman. The two other values that basically are the required attributes for all future leader of LG to have are the skills (managerial) to conduct the business with integrity and the good level of contribution towards social development. Practically speaking, when it comes to day to day business activity, the basic capabilities for them to master is that the knowledge on what and how the company process runs. Thus, when there is a problem in certain area of the business, they can quickly tackle down the problem and solve it. Finally, they must have what so called global orientation and global leadership capabilities. These will define the company orientation in the future as well as solve the problem that may occur such as significant and drastic different environmental and business condition changes. LG GROUP STRATEGY: HUMAN RESOURCES APPLIED STRATEGY To discuss the case of future leaders in more detail, the whole process of preparing the future leaders can be described in more specific process and stages as follow: To identify and attract the best leaders. Here research I believe will benefit the company much in the sense of tracking the best candidates in the future. Nowadays, competition is occurring not only attracting best costumers/consumers but also in attracting the potential competent employees. To select, recruit and hire the future leaders. The activities are the follow up of the research conducted in the first phase. Citing the case of LG, the company will need a really significant number of employees, both Korea and Non-Koreans. These involve certain strategy to achieve best output in terms of attracting future leaders with competent capabilities. To train and develop the future leaders of the company. Here, a training center such as what Dr Lee runs with his LG Academy plays an important role. Their task involves defining the current employee competencies required for better performance and a set of competencies on which they can focus assessment and development activities in the future. This also one of the main concerns of the management. They see training and development for technical competencies as the main component to achieve the LEAP 2005 To provide motivation, appraise, and rewards as implementation of strategies to retain the competent company future leaders. The company should not reenact what so called as Bamboo Ceiling which most Japanese company once faced. The management must develop clear and transparent career path for all employee. The assessment for promotion should also be made fair so that all employee can see the progress of their career and most importantly, and equal opportunity for career improvement must exist in the company. This will guarantee the all employee can achieve higher position as their performance says so. In regards with the future plans in LEAP 2005 vision, the company plans to attain 50 % of the whole revenue from international market the number of non Korean employees will increase significantly. In the practices, the company and the management plan to fill 3 or 4 business presidents with non-Koreans out of 50 positions and give 20% portion of all executives at the office at Seoul. To maintain the unity and fairness of the management approach, the team could take the same approach to the both Korean and non-Korean employees. However, the customization may take place in accordance with the background of culture of those two groups. However, in general the common strategies must be implemented to both groups. What must be emphasized is the output which is all employees can implement the strategies in to the business and provide the desired outputs. CONCLUSION In summary, by analyzing the case of LG Group: Developing Tomorrows it can be concluded that a company business activity can not be separated from internal and external influences. Internally the management may have a set of future plans and strategies or even vision that must be implemented and transformed by all company components. Externally, the changing business environment in each different period often requires the company to constantly prepare a set of strategies to cope possible problems and stay survive in the midst of uncertain condition. Here, the human resources team plays an important role since a competent future leaders are the key person that can manage the company through the hard time that may happen in the future. It is the responsibility of the human resources team to attract, develop, and maintain those future leaders for the sake of company stability. Comparative Film Analysis: Shutter Island and Insomnia Comparative Film Analysis: Shutter Island and Insomnia Shutter Island Insomnia. Movies such as Shutter Island and Insomnia both display attributes of neo-noir and classical noir films which contain a great deal of tension and suspense. The detectives in both films are determined to find clues and answers that uncover the truth. In their attempts to uncover the truth, both detectives experience hallucinations and flashbacks from their traumatic past. Each mystery involves an investigator or detective who has the overwhelming desire to uncover the truth. There are often many distractions and misdirections that the detectives must overcome in order to solve the mystery. The misdirections of the cases are frequently caused by false or inaccurate leads, but each detective examines every lead they receive and treat it as being potentially helpful in solving the case. The Shutter Island and Insomnia films possess distinct similarities and disparate elements in the characterizations, social issues and cinematic effects. Film-noir is a movie genre based in the 1940s and 1950s that generally feature characteristics of mystery or crime dramas. The elements of film-noir consist of black and white produced stories that involve violence, crime, femmes fatales and skeptical detectives who seek the truth of a mystery. Neo-noir is classified as a sub-genre of crime and mystery stories which heavily rely on the influence of film-noir movies. The term neo-noir describes any film coming after the classic noir period that contains noir themes and the noir sensibility (Conard 2). Neo-noir movies often share a similar resemblance to film-noir genres in regards to the plots, themes, characterization and cinematography. Shutter Island is a psychological thriller based in 1954 that gives the impression of a classic film-noir. Mark Conard states in his book, The Philosophy of Neo-Noir, You know a classic-noir when you see it, with its unusual lighting, tilted camera angles, and its off-center scene compositions (Connard 1). The detective in Shutter Island is Teddy Daniels (Leonardo DiCaprio), a federal marshal who travels to the island with his partner, Chuck Aule (Mark Ruffalo), to investigate the escape of patient in the mental institution. As Teddy Daniels further investigates the mystery of the island, he loses control in grasping the real truth as his perceptions are blurred by hallucinations and conspiracy. As the story unfolds in Shutter Island, the viewer is taken on a psychological trip through the cognitive processes of Teddy Daniels mind. It is apparent to the main character and the film viewers that there is a secret hiding within this mysterious island. The story provides a solid discernment of Teddy Daniels mind as his sense of reality and fantasy is blurred. Throughout the film, Teddy experiences delusions that are derived from his traumatic past as an American soldier fighting Nazis in World War II, and the death of his wife. The exploration of Teddys mind provides pure entertainment for the viewer as it is difficult to distinguish fantasy from reality while experiencing everything through Teddys eyes. The realism in the mystery of the patient that escaped the island exists on an imaginative state which is exposed by the truth during the end of the film. The main character in the Insomnia movie is Will Dormer (Al Pacino), a veteran LAPD detective whose exhaustion is intensified with exposure to the unfamiliar northern Alaskan landscape where there is constant daylight. Dormer and his partner, Hap Eckhart (Martin Donovan), receive the disturbing details in the autopsy of a teenage girl that was murdered in Alaska. The autopsy revealed that the girl was extremely beaten and her hair had been brushed as well as her nails clipped by the murderer after her death. One of the most significant scenes is when Dormer and his partner are investigating the girls murder. They begin a foot chase with a suspect after being shot at in the thick fog. Dormer sees a silhouette of a person that looks like they are aiming to shoot so he fires a shot at the person without hesitation. He runs toward the body and realizes that he has shot and killed his own partner because he couldnt see through the thick fog. This symbolizes the protagonists clouded judgme nt and is the beginning of his slow descent into insanity. Dormer deliberately lies to the police about what really happened and explains that the girls murderer had shot his partner because he is afraid of the consequences. Dormer is dishonest about shooting his partner and goes through great lengths to cover his own tracks instead of having full focus on the murder case he was assigned. The primary suspect of the girls murder is novelist Walter Finch (Robin Williams) who witnessed the accidental shooting of Dormers partner. The well-being of Dormer declines further as he experiences extreme sleep deprivation, hallucinations and flashbacks of accidentally shooting his partner. The characterizations of the protagonists in Shutter Island and Insomnia have analogous qualities as they attempt to uncover the truth in each mystery. The protagonists in both films are persistent investigators who are losing their grasp on reality due to traumatic experiences. Dormer and Teddy share mixed emotions including anxiety, guilt and panic. The protagonists in both movies are manipulated psychologically by the antagonists who drive them to do things that they normally wouldnt do. Dormer and Teddys memories and troubles from the past have a significant affect on their attempts of solving the mysteries. Although there are many similarities in both films, the cultural and social issues in each film are quite different. Shutter Island was set in 1954 and deals birth of psychiatry experiments and the traumatic events of World War II. The scene where the camera pans over the American soldiers as they perform an execution of Nazi soldiers in the Liberation of Dachau conveys the barbaric nature of World War II. Teddy experiences many flashbacks of these events and the guilt starts wearing on his sanity. The social issues in Insomnia deal with murder in a community and corruption within the police force. The murder has a drastic impact on the isolated Alaskan town where everyone knows one another. While investigating the murder, many of the officers are faced with the difficult decisions of lying, framing suspects by planting evidence or clearing their own names by destroying evidence. Dormers guilt of shooting his partner sends him into severe sleep deprivation where he seems increasingly delusional as the film goes on. Cinematic effects such as camera shots, lighting and sound design are utilized in both films to convey the pure emotions of the characters in the films. The best thing about Insomnia is that despite director Christopher Nolans soft spot for moody-blues obfuscation, he has the good sense to keep his star in practically every shot, said Peter Rainer, a New York Magazine writer, on the film critic website, (Rotten Tomatoes website). Insomnia made an effort to zoom in on the protagonists emotions and at times showed the point of view shots to express the sleep deprivations and hallucinations from the eyes of the main character. There was high contrast lighting used in setting the mood in the Insomnia film. Even though a lot of this movie was shot outside in the constant daylight setting of Alaska, low-key lighting such as heavy fog and silhouettes were used to symbolize the level of clarity in Dormers mind as he continues to lose sleep. The sound design used in Insomni a was used to create tension and suspense in the film. The cinematic effects and setting used in Shutter Islandenhance the symbolism and themes in the film. Similar to the Insomnia films camera shots, Shutter Island also uses the zoom-in camera effect to display the emotions and thoughts of Teddy. When Teddy is experiencing hallucinations of the past, the camera shots and lighting flash to indicate that he is dreaming or seeing flashbacks. Film critic, Lisa Kennedy, from states, What is real? What is delusion? What is montrous? What is decent? Shutter Island may not shatter the heart but these are gnawing achievements for a movie about madness and paranoia (Rotten Tomatoes website). Fire was used as a key lighting to symbolize Teddys insanity in the film. Fire is the symbol of Teddys imagination, while water is used to symbolize the true reality of his past. The sound design of Shutter Island correlates with the intense instrumental music to portray the suspense as used in many film-noir genres. explai ns noir sound design on their website, The sound of noir-plaintive sax solos, blue cocktail piano, the wail of a distant trumpet through dark, wet alleyways, hot Latin beats oozing like a neon glow from the half-shuttered windows of forbidden nightspots (Parralax View website). The Shutter Island and Insomnia films display similarities and differences in the characterizations, social issues and cinematic effects. The protagonists in both films are determined to find clues and answers that uncover the truth. Both detectives experience hallucinations and flashbacks from their traumatic past in their attempts to investigate the truth. There are often many diversions that the detectives must overcome in order to solve the mystery. The cultural and social issues in each film were contrasting even though there are many similarities in both films. Cinematography was successfully utilized in each film with camera shots, lighting and sound design to display the pure emotions of the characters in the films.

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Movement Education Essay example -- Health

â€Å"Movement is as natural and essential to young children’s lives as loving care, rest and nutrition. Movement provides children with an outlet for expression, creativity, and discovery. Through movement, children learn about themselves, their environment, and others. Movement is a stimulus for physical growth and development. The joy of movement is a child’s expression of an emotional need fulfilled.† (Curtis) The movement education teaching model, its historical development, its concepts and core activities will be discussed in this essay. Furthermore, the general objectives of movement education, the detailed objectives within physical education programs and the applicable teaching methods will be outlined and explained. The history of movement education goes as far back as the 1800s. Many people articulated ideas and theories about movement. Three of the most influential people are Francois Delsarte, Liselott Diem, and Rudolph von Laban. Laban is considered by most the true pioneer of movement education. (Karen Weiller Abels) In the early 1900s Laban identified the four cornerstones of movement: weight, space, time, and flow. In the late 70s and early 80s, Stanley, Logsdon and his colleagues distinguished the four major movement concepts, based on Labans discoveries. Stanley, Logsdon and his colleagues classified body, space, effort, and relationship. Parallel to the discovery of the movement concepts, new trends and new teaching models emerged in physical education programs. Movement education faded from the physical education programs because other teaching models became popular and because movement education is an extremely complex teaching model. Today, movement education has returned a nd has planted it... ...sical Education, Recreation and Dance. Movement Education for preschool children. Reston: AAHPERD, 1980. Print. Curtis, Sandra R. The joy of movement in early childhood. New York: Teachers College Press, 1982. Print. George Graham, Shirley Ann Holt/Hale, Melissa Parker. Children Moving, A Reflective Approach to Teaching Physical Education. Vol. 8th Edition. New York: McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc., 2012. Text. 28 March 2012. Jennifer Wall, Nancy Murray. Children & Movement, Physical Education in the Elementary School. Dubuque: WCB Brown & Benchmark, 1990. Print. Karen Weiller Abels, Jennifer M. Bridges. Teaching Movement Education, Foundation for Active Lifestyles. Human Kinetics, 2010. Print. 16 March 2012. Robert P. Pangrazi, Victor P. Dauer. Movement in Early Childhood and Primary Education. Minneapolis: Burgess Publishing Company, 1981. Print. 16 March 2012.