Saturday, February 29, 2020

A fascination for Science Technology in the todays world

A fascination for Science & Technology in the today's world Developed through the technological architecture of electrical engineering and the computational language of mathematics, the science of computer technology has provided considerable recognition and financial gain for many of its well deserving pioneers. Steve Jobs famous quote ‘computers themselves and software yet to be developed will revolutionize the way we learn. He believed that there are tremendous developments and endless possibilities yet to be explored in this field of computer science. I foresee computer science being used as a tool, as mathematics is used, for all the fields of science. It has always been important for physicists, chemists and biologists to have some understanding of specific areas of mathematics to express their ideas, to write down formulas, and to make predictions. Similarly, in the near future, computer software will become an integral part of the research to create new breakthroughs. For instance, all fields of science collect and analyze a large amount of data. Finding patterns in large amounts of data has always been a crucial block. However, by using state of the art of software for data mining and machine learning, hidden trends and patterns may emerge that can help increase understanding and solve problems. All these problems and their seemingly possible solutions have always motivated me to make artificial intelligence as my part and parcel of my life. A fascination for Science Technology and a keen interest in the ever-growing world of technology motivated me to take up engineering. I choose to major in Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering with an intense urge to delve into the challenging field. During my undergraduate program, I learned the various fundamentals of Electronics Engineering, I was exposed to various courses with applications like Electromagnetic field, Control systems, Power Electronics, Electrical measurements, Linear Integrated Circuits, Electronics, Digital Signal Processing, Introduction to Operating Systems, Microprocessors, Microcontrollers and object-oriented programming with C++, Analog, and Digital electronics. I was always fascinated about microcontrollers, the fact that it is something that bridges the gap between computer software and real-world mechanical devices, which gives it the potential to sense the surrounding using various sensors and take decisions based on parameters it receives. This fascination inspired me to do a project on Coal Mine Safety System using Atmel AVR microcontroller in my final year. I enrolled myself in the course of CCNA (Cisco Certified Network Associate) and CCNP (Cisco Certified Network Professional ) which introduced me to the world of networking and communications. My knowledge of computer networks and programming skills helped me to get a job in Reliance Jio Infocomm Limited. I am working as a part of network planning and optimization team for past 10 months. M y responsibility is to plan and provide optimal indoor solutions for smooth network coverage and data throughput. A quotation attributed to Edsger Dijkstra, states that ‘computer science is no more about computers than astronomy is about telescopes. The design and deployment of computers and computer systems are generally considered the province of disciplines other than computer science. Computer science is the cross-fertilization of ideas between the various computer-related disciplines, and electronic engineering. I believe that combining these two disciplines will give an excellent grounding in both subject areas and will prepare us for a wide range of careers in both or either fields. This cross-discipline study will give the advantage of becoming a multi-skilled professional engineer with a thorough understanding of the concepts and techniques plus the chance to explore the exciting interface between the two. It is in this context that I wish to pursue a Master in Computer Science. The decision to pursue Masters in Computer Science naturally followed after a good deal of self-evaluation, carefully considering my area of interest, and my ultimate professional ambition, which is to pursue a research career, either as a teaching faculty member or in an RD department of an industry. I am confident that a graduate degree specializing in Artificial Intelligence will enable me to achieve the goal and prepare me for a Ph.D. program in the future. I believe that graduate study in a reputed department, such as yours, is important for a person aspiring for a research career. Working for a thesis under the guidance of an expert whose work can serve as a model is the most effective method of transforming a student into a largely independent researcher making significant original contributions. I feel that XX university with its comprehensive facilities and competent faculty doing quality research work in the field of artificial intelligence will be an ideal place for me to pursue graduate studies.

Wednesday, February 12, 2020

Virtual Team Management Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Virtual Team Management - Research Paper Example Research and Development Ââ€" virtual teams offer an environment for enhancing innovations in R&D and also bring in knowledge spillovers in the organizations bridging place and time. Therefore, involving the R&D functional area in a virtual team is not a choice but rather a requirement. The R&D representative conducts the research on the best way to improve the product, organization, and the entire project team.This department operates with a sense of urgency can create and conceptualize quickly. The sales representative will benefit the team and organization by ensuring that the product reaches its intended consumers in the most efficient manner while maximizing profits.Management Ââ€" studies show that virtual teams perform well when executives support the development of the social relationship across the team and thereby enhancing trust among members. The executive management makes sure the team performs optimally and that it returns the expected outcomes.Collaborating with seve ral functional areas in the virtual team have posted some challenges that may slow or inhibit the team's performance. One of these problems is the differences in the cultural background such differing technical skills, and different styles of work. For example, a member from the production area may not have similar technology skill like those with a member from the IT department. This difference brings a challenge in adapting to new communication tools, systems, and applications, as well as learning how to use them.

Saturday, February 1, 2020

Choose a company that is involved in international business activities Essay

Choose a company that is involved in international business activities - Essay Example The recent conflicts in the coltan mining Congo have greatly affected the company in numerous aspects (Smith, 2013). Coltan is Columbo-tantalite substance that is used in the production of the modern electronics including smartphones (Richard & Kathreen, 2014). This product is essential in the production of electric capacitors that are used in smartphones because of their capability to hold high electric charges (Cellular news, 2014). The Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) has the largest world reserve of coltan, and its production has recently been affected by conflicts between DRC soldiers and M-23 militia rebel group (Smith, 2011). The M-23 militia consisted of Rwandese and Ugandan soldiers. This conflict evolved when the M-23 wanted to gain control over the coltan mining areas in DRC (Weebly, 2014). Though the mining of coltan is not large scale, it is mined by a group of men who dig huge craters in streambeds and scrap the dirt in order to get to coltan. The M-23 was involved in the smuggling of coltan from DRC to the neighboring nations. The neighboring countries such as neighboring Rwanda were accused of selling smuggled coltan though there is no coltan available in the country (Smith, 2011). This conflict in the late 2011 caused a decrease in the supply of coltan and an increase in the prices of coltan. Though there are other nations that produce coltan, DRC is the second largest producer and reserve of coltan after Australia (Marlow & Akkad, 2011). The decreased supply of coltan resulted to increased prices that increased the production costs of Apple Inc. by 20% (Weebly, 2014). However, continued conflicts in the area may result to increasing costs of production and may also affect the production level of the company. Additionally, reports by the United Nations indicate that there is a need to institute regulations to limit the production of coltan from conflict-prone areas in order to